Here's all I know about the single largest collection of dead Jennings from my line. It's Vaughn Cemetery in Mehoopany, Pennsylvania.
I have two early memories of Vaughn Cemetery. Actually, the first memory is a family legend: that I played dice I brought along with me to Grandma Emma's funeral. I think I was seven years old, so that should excuse that behavior. I believe my father may have officiated. Emma was his mother, and she was the only grandparent I knew. She also lived with my family for a short time. As far as I can figure it, she was the last of the Jennings line to be buried there.
The second early memory is visiting Vaughn's with my parents and Aunt Emma Anderson when I was a little older. She lived in Trucksville, PA at the time, which is about an hour's ride away. We made a day of it, picking up some KFC along the way, or maybe the way back. There's more to that story...ask me about it sometime; it's pretty neat.
Fast forward to the most recent past, when my Cousin Sandy hooked me on this family history thing (thank you, Sandy). She had described the cemetery to me, yet I -- at that time -- had only vague impressions of it, which I shared above. Then, Tom Currier, another cousin (from the Grist line) was kind enough to go there and take pictures, even before we had ever met!
Since then, I have been there twice, in the Summers of '08 and '09. I can't name a more peaceful place on earth. There are people who claim there are nothing but Jennings there, but just a visit there will quickly dispel that belief. However, for those who are familiar with family history, the names read as a "who's who" of the world my ancestors knew. Furthermore, I could safely say that most of my Jennings-side family from my Grandfather Corey's generation and earlier are there. In any case, all my grandparents on my father's side are there.
On the morose side, it's probably not realistic that I should end up there as well, but -- if I had my choice -- I can't think of any place better.