Subsequently -- unfortunately -- it was torn down (I'm guessing sometime in the early 1990's). But not before Ron Miller bought two of the church's stained glass windows. Ron is a pretty handy guy. He framed the two windows, which now hang in his house.
My son Rick and I visited Ron at his house just a couple days ago (March 31) on a whirlwind sweep through PA. I'll write a more detailed blog entry about the visit with Ron in a little while...but here's a link to the portion of a map that lists William's properties as of the 1860's. Ron's house (Wm.'s house) is located right above the compass rose's NORTH arrow. Look here.
The discovery of this window puts a couple puzzle pieces in place. William and Harriet were married in the First presbyterian Church in Wysox, Pennsylvania. They lived in Wysox before coming to Mehoopany. I've always wondered what church his family attended, and now I have a better clue. The window could have been paid for by William during his lifetime, or may have meant as a memorial, paid for by his family.