Monday, June 20, 2016

A Great Excitement, Indeed!

"A great excitement is constantly kept up at Mehoopany, PA, on account of the low prices at Wm Jennings' store opposite Benders Hotel,where dry goods, groceries, hardware, hats and caps, boots and shoes, and everything usually kept in country stores are sold at a less advance on first cost than at any other place in the county.

Connected with his store is a tailor shop, with an extensive stock of clothes, cassimeres, vestings, trimmings, etc. and etc.

Garments cut and made in the latest styles at prices that defy competition, prices for cutting full suit, $.80. Perfect fits warranted in all cases, if properly made up. Call and be convinced, Wm. Jennings."

North Branch Democrat (newspaper)

Mehoopany, December 7, 1865.

1 comment:

  1. Great addition, Bruce! Love these old ads and especially when they relate to someone we know!
